MERLE'S PEST CONTROL Eugene - Satisfied Customer

Some can boast of their size and number, very impressive indeed. However, nothing beats the personalized service and customer relations that my small company offers.

It is performance and the resolutions to your most difficult pest problems that count. No fancy titles, no fancy rhetoric, or overpowering sales force, just me, Thaddeus working toward effectively solving your toughest pest problem.

So please give me a call at (541) 514-3027 and together we can start solving your pest problem.


Any pest in your home is very upsetting, and a do-it-yourself solution is intimidating. And as you have probably already discovered, they just don’t work well at solving your pest problem.

Most people are not trained in the safe application of pest control materials, and for that matter, even the right materials to use.

So why put your family and home at risk? I am here to help you solve your pest problem, and doing so swiftly and safely. No technician will work harder or smarter or more relentlessly then I will. By using skill and great care, I will protect you, your family, your pets, your home, and our environment while solving your toughest pest and insect problem. This is my promise and I will settle for nothing less.